Workforce Solutions 2017 Highlights
Workforce Solutions Year in Review
We would like to share with you some of the many exciting events that have happened in the past year:
Workforce Solutions began official operations on February 1, 2017.
Led a collaborative effort with employers and PSU Dubois Continuing Education through the Manufacturing Industry Partnership to develop and implement a Die Setter Training Program for incumbent workers that will eventually be offered to job seekers not currently working as die setters.
Implemented the 1st Annual “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing” Video Contest in our region and are currently planning the 2nd annual video contest. See for more information.
The Workforce Development Plan for PY17-19 was approved by PA Labor and Industry. The final plan is available on our website.
Represented the Workforce System as a member of the Governor’s Middle Class Task Force.
Provide support to our Manufacturers through MEEA (Manufacturing Education & Employment Advancement, Inc. in an effort to attract and retain our population in order to provide a workforce for our manufacturers and other industries.
We applied for and received a Strategic Innovation Grant from PA Labor and Industry to implement a Customer Centered Design Challenge for training in our region. Four awards were made for creative training programs and approaches to serving employers and job seekers in the six county region served by Workforce Solutions.
- 1. Penn State Dubois Continuing Education will be providing a condensed Die Setter Training Program to several employers.
- 2. Penn College Workforce Development Continuing Education will be offering a national certification (PMMI) in Programmable Logic Controllers 1 to job seekers looking for employment in the manufacturing industry. The certification will be providing each participant with an industry-developed standard that is recognized by the US Department of Labor.
- 3. Jeff Tech will be offering scholarships for their truck driver-training program that will be awarded to essay contest winners. This will meet the growing local demand for CDL Class A Truck Drivers.
- 4. The Clearfield County Career and Tech Center will be offering CNC Lathe training to incumbent workers of manufacturing companies in our region.
Continued our Business and Education Connect Initiative through a Business Education Partnership grant providing Career Counselors in Clearfield and Jefferson Counties as well as awarding funding to the Community Education Center for Elk and Cameron and the Potter County Educational Council for their existing Business Education partnerships.
Set-up job shadows for students and assisted in mock interviews at several high schools.
Assisted in the implementation and completion of CCCTC’s portfolios for graduation. Also assisted with their Business and Industry Recruitment Fair.
Presentation to 5th grade students at Curwensville on how they can begin job searching when they get older and what jobs are in our area.
Presentations to 9th-12th grade students at Curwensville, Moshannon Valley and Philipsburg on career exploration and job in the area.
For a complete list:
2017 Highlights
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